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Trabajo de Inglés «Feminism»

Feminism de Pablo Castañón del Palacio 2º Mantenimiento Electrónico


Hello students, teacher.

Hi son.

  • Feminism history and perspective

Feminism is a set of social theories and political practices in open criticism of social relations, past and present, motivated mainly by the female experience.
It is created from awareness about the in equalities caused by gender and the search for social justice.

Feminism is a collection of movements and ideologies aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women. This includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment.

  • The history of the modern western feminist movements is divided into three «waves». Each Feminism is a perspective that is described as dealing with different aspects of explores the connectedness of the same feminist issues.

The history of the modern western feminist movements is divided into three «waves».

The first wave refers concepts that other theorists simply do not discuss or event the movement of the 19th through early 20th contemplate. centuries, which dealt mainly with suffrage, working conditions and educational rights for women and girls. The second wave (1960s-1980s) dealt with the inequality of laws, as well as cultural inequalities and the role of women in society. The third wave of feminism (late 1980s-early 2000s (decade)), is seen as both a continuation of the second wave and a response to the perceived failures.

Feminism has produced many changes in some Western societies, including women’s suffrage, more egalitarian employment (wage ceiling still in effect), the right to ask for divorce, the right of women to control their own bodies and medical decisions ( including abortion, subject on which there is no consensus), and many others. Many of these changes have been the achievement in the speech that some of the rights of women are considered as human rights

Women’s movement or modern liberation. It begins at the beginning of the 60s and lasts until the 90s, with themes such as: Sexuality, the family, the inequality.

Liberal feminism seeks individualistic equality of men and women through political and legal reform without altering the structure of society.
Marxist feminism argues that capitalism is the root cause of womens oppression, and that discrimination against women in domestic life and employment is an effect of capitalist ideologies.

4- Social doctrine favorable to women, to whom it grants capacity and rights reserved only to men. It demands equal rights for women as for men. Do not confuse it with machismo, that what you are looking for is the SUPERIORITY of man over woman. The ideological basis of feminism was provided by the philosophers and women of letters of the eighteenth century.

5- Equality or superiority towards men That mistreatment of women be eliminated That children and young people be educated in such a way that sexual aggression against a woman can not occur to them. That mother hood is an option freely decided by women

6-That the heterosexual norm disappear as the only form of revelation That the new generations be educated so that they are prepared to be responsible for all the necessary tasks, both for the private world and for the public The possibility that women can share with men the right to decide in political management.

The recognition of the values developed by the women’s collective, as a point of reference for human development The elimination of the serious discrimination currently suffered by women in the third world.

German feminist policy, creator of the International Women’s Day (March 8). She was exiled in Switzerland and returned to Germany when the ban to organize the women’s section of the party was lifted. She helped to organize the first international conference for women and during the socialist women’s conference held in Copenhagen she proposed the resolution that became March 8 on International Women’s Day

 March 8, tomorrow.